If you’re looking for a total body workout that will help you increase your strength, power, and explosiveness, the push press is an exercise you should consider incorporating into your fitness routine.
The push press is often used by experienced lifters who want to build muscle or train for individual sports like weightlifting.
It involves a combination of three powerful motions the dip, the drive and the press each designed to challenge different parts of your body and maximize results from any type of lift.
In this blog post we’ll discuss exactly what it takes to do a proper push press with tips on form, safety measures to remember, as well as some of its many benefits.
How To Do A Push Press
Learn the Push Press! This full-body exercise can build upper body strength and explosiveness. Plus, target your core, legs, shoulders, and triceps.
To get it right:
- Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and toes pointing forward.
- Place a bar on your shoulders with an overhand grip, hands wider than shoulder-width.
- Bend your knees, then drive the bar upwards by extending your hips and pressing your hands overhead.
- Pause at the top, then lower the bar.
Keep your core tight to protect your lower back. Watch your form to reap the benefits without injury. Push press offers many rewards when done correctly. Try it today!
Push Press Form Tips
Strangle the Barbell Like a Pro: Master the Push Press!
Here’s how to do it:
- Set your feet shoulder-width apart, and grasp the barbell above your collarbone.
- Dip down slightly, then swiftly drive up with your heels to lift the bar.
- Once you hit extension, bend and straighten knees to make the bar go higher.
- Press the bar overhead by pushing forward with your arms and keeping a tight core.
- Lower the weight carefully, relaxing as you do.
- Repeat steps 2-5 for as many reps as desired.
Watch your form every rep to stay injury-free. To increase resistance and strength, try using bands or chains in your training. For best results, do 3-5 sets of 8-15 reps per workout.
Coach Takano says push press is great for building power and explosiveness!
Get the grip right
Gripping the bar correctly is key when mastering the push press technique. Here’s what to remember: position your hands shoulder-width apart (or slightly wider). Keep elbows pointing forward and under the bar. Use a thumbless grip for more security.
Ensure you remain comfortable while holding the bar without sacrificing stability. Engage your core when performing a push press to get the most power and strength. This will help you avoid hyperextension of your lower back and lift heavier weights safely.
Pro Tip: Don’t let your wrists deviate too much during the lift. To avoid wrist injuries, use the appropriate supporting gear like wrist wraps, if needed. Power up with these push press tips and lift like a superhero!
Power up
Lift Heavy with Push Press! This move targets the shoulders, triceps, and upper back. Great for athletes looking to gain power and improve fitness performance. Start by standing with feet shoulder-width apart, holding barbell at chest. Dip down into a quarter squat, then drive upwards with legs for momentum. Keep core tight, knees bent and elbows pointing forward throughout motion.
- Start light, then increase weight.
- Focus on explosiveness in both up and down motion.
- Inhale during dip, exhale strongly when driving up.
- Warm-up before to increase circulation and prevent injury.
- For an added challenge, add in a halfway point pause.
Power up your routine today! Don’t let mistakes push you around – fix ’em fast!
Common Push Press Mistakes
Push Press Form Errors – Oh No!
Incorrect form can lead to injuries and poor performance. Let’s look at some of the common errors and how to fix them:
- Wrong start position or grip?
- Not fully extending at the top of the movement?
- Arching your lower back too much?
- Starting with a dip instead of a drive?
- Weight shifting away from heels?
- Too much reliance on arm strength?
To rectify these, use proper form and leverage leg strength. Moreover, studies suggest push presses can improve athletic performance. To amp up your workout, try push press variations that will have your shoulders screaming for mercy!
Push Press Variations
Maximize your results with creative push press exercises! Simple equipment is all you need.
For an ultimate workout, mix regular push press with snatch grip, strict press, or jerk styles. Progression is key – as you get better, add heavier weights or more complex movements.
These push press variations will help you build power and endurance. They also improve strength, stability, and mobility. Try them today and feel the difference! For a bonus, combine shoulder press and jump squat with the dumbbell push press – no awkwardness!
Dumbbell push press
The dumbbell press is a great upper body workout. It engages your shoulders, back & legs. To do it: hold a dumbbell in each hand at shoulder height. Then, explosively push them up as you squat down. Here’s how to do it right:
- Stand with feet shoulder-width apart, holding dumbbells in each hand.
- Bring the weights to your shoulders, palms facing forward.
- Bend your knees to get ready for the movement.
- Exhale strongly and push away from your shoulders using your legs’ power.
Start with lighter weights to master the technique. Then, gradually increase the weight. This exercise strengthens muscles good for explosive movements such as throwing or jumping. Plus, Men’s Journal notes that adding this move into your routine can improve your athletic performance!
Ready to take your lifting game up a notch with the overhead press? Just remember to lift the weight, not your ego!
Overhead press
The Overhead Press is a popular move that works the upper body. It helps build strength too! You hold a weight or barbell over your head, palms facing forward. It focuses on your shoulders, triceps, and chest muscles. Plus, it improves posture, balance, and stability in the shoulder area. It’s a must for athletes who need more power and explosiveness in their upper body.
To do it right:
- Start with weight at shoulder height or lower
- Extend arms until they are straight up
- Pause, then return to starting position
- Keep core tight during the whole movement
Using kettlebells or dumbbells can give you extra benefits like better grip and bigger range of motion. Start with light weights. Good form is important to avoid injuries. Get ready to be a powerhouse with the military press, because nothing says strength like lifting heavy stuff over your head!
Military press
Arnold Schwarzenegger couldn’t press charges, but he sure could press dumbbells with the Arnold press!
To do the Military Press with proper form, follow these six steps:
- Set up your feet shoulder-width apart or wider.
- Grasp the barbell with an overhand grip wider than your shoulders.
- Bend your elbows and lift your hands up towards your shoulders, raising the barbell to your chest level.
- Tighten your core and engage your glutes, then press the barbell overhead until you reach full arm extension.
- Hold the weight for a moment before slowly lowering it back down.
- Repeat for desired reps.
Remember to keep your knees slightly bent throughout the exercise – this will help with stability and posture. There are many variations of the Military Press, but keep proper form in mind for all versions. Don’t miss out on these benefits – incorporate it into your workout today!
Arnold press
The press of Arnold exercises the shoulder muscles. It’s named after the legendary American muscleman, Arnold Schwarzenegger.
- Hold a dumbbell in each hand at the shoulder level with palms facing your body.
- Rotate wrists away from the body and raise overhead.
- Pause, then slowly bring back down.
This exercise strengthens all three deltoids. It’s also good for stabilizing and balancing other exercises like bench presses. For better results, lower the weight slowly on its negative phase. Weight-bearing exercises like Arnold press help increase bone density and prevent osteoporosis. Fitness experts recommend women use weights between 5-20 pounds, depending on their strength.
Frequently Asked Questions
How does a push press benefit my overall fitness?
A push press is an effective exercise for developing power and explosiveness in the upper body, while also strengthening the legs and core. It can improve your ability to perform explosive movements in other exercises, such as the snatch and clean and jerk.
What is the proper form for a push press?
Start with the barbell racked on your shoulders. Begin the movement by first initiating a slight dip and drive from the legs. Then, quickly press the barbell overhead, finishing with arms fully extended. Make sure to keep your core engaged and maintain a straight line from your head to your heels throughout the movement.
What weight should I use for a push press?
The weight you should use for a push press depends on your current level of fitness and experience. It’s important to start with a weight you can manage with proper form, and gradually increase as you become stronger and more comfortable with the movement.
Can I do a push press with dumbbells or kettlebells?
Yes, you can perform a push press with both dumbbells and kettlebells. Simply hold the weight(s) at shoulder height and follow the same movement pattern as you would with a barbell, pressing overhead with explosive power.
What are some common mistakes to avoid when doing a push press?
Common mistakes to avoid when performing a push press include: not fully extending your arms at the top of the movement, allowing your knees to cave in during the dip and drive, arching your back excessively, and letting the bar drift too far forward during the press.
How can I program push presses into my workout routine?
A push press can be incorporated into your workout routine as a primary strength exercise, or as an accessory movement for improved power and explosiveness. It can be performed for multiple sets and reps, depending on your fitness goals and training program.