Are you looking for a challenging core exercise that takes your fitness to the next level?
A kneeling side plank is an effective and engaging way to stabilize your muscles, focus on balance, torch calories, and build strength throughout your midsection.
While it can seem intimidating at first, learning how to do a proper kneeling side plank with perfect form is well worth the practice and this blog will show you just how easy it can be!
Keep reading to learn about all the great benefits of adding knee-side planks into your regular routine (including improved muscle tone, endurance benefits, better posture support), plus tips on how best to execute this move correctly so you get maximum results every time!
Muscles worked during kneeling side plank
Doing a Kneeling Side Plank is great for those who have difficulty with traditional planks. It works many muscles from head to toe, like quads, glutes, obliques, and shoulders.
It also targets muscles such as the quadratus lumborum, external oblique fibers, transverse abdominus, pelvic floor, lower back, shoulder and triceps’ lateral chain, sternocleidomastoid, trapezius hip abductors, adductors, deltoids, and flexor carpi radialis.
Doing this exercise will help build strength, improve balance and posture. As you keep at it, you’ll see your form improve. But keep in mind that you should feel sensation and not pain or discomfort.
I remember once hearing a girl saying she loved side planks as it made her stomach look smaller. She didn’t know it was working so many muscles!
How To Do A Kneeling Side Plank
The kneeling side plank is a modified version of the traditional side plank that targets your obliques, abs, and lower back. It’s an excellent exercise for beginners or those with limited mobility. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to do it:
Step 1: Positioning
Start by kneeling on a comfortable surface like a yoga mat. Lean over to one side, placing your hand directly under your shoulder. Extend your other leg out to the side.
Step 2: Getting Into The Plank
Push off your hand and knee to lift your hips off the ground, bringing your body into a straight line from head to toe. Your weight should be supported by your hand and the knee of your bent leg. Extend your free arm towards the ceiling or place it on your hip, whichever feels more comfortable.
Step 3: Holding The Plank
Engage your core and keep your hips lifted, making sure not to let your body sag. Your neck should be in line with your spine. Look straight ahead or up at your extended hand.
Step 4: Breathing
Breathe normally while holding this position, making sure not to hold your breath.
Step 5: Maintaining The Plank
Hold this position for as long as you can maintain good form, aiming for at least 20-30 seconds to start with. As your strength improves, you can gradually increase the duration.
Step 6: Switching Sides
After completing the exercise on one side, switch sides and repeat the process.
Proper form and tips for kneeling side plank
Follow this 3-step guide to do a kneeling side plank!
- Kneel with legs slightly apart and flex toes.
- Place right palm on floor sideways and lift left arm towards sky.
- Tighten glutes and angle both arms upwards, then return to start position. Repeat with opposite limbs.
Plus, don’t put too much force on lifting or rotation of torso, or it might hurt your lower back.
A real story: Jennifer, a yoga lover, struggled to balance when she tried kneeling side planks in her class. She kept falling forward – until she figured out that copying her instructor’s posture worked. Now, she can hold the pose for ages without straining her muscles.
Common mistakes and variations for kneeling side plank
When attempting the Kneeling Side Plank, there are various errors that can occur. These errors may affect the challenge level of this exercise, as well as its effectiveness. In addition, there are specific variations to the exercise that one must understand to take full advantage of its potential.
To ensure that you are getting the most out of your Kneeling Side Plank, consider these 5 steps:
- Avoid sagging your hips throughout the exercise;
- Keep your core activated and your spine straight;
- Utilize proper hand and elbow placement;
- Experiment with body positioning and leg placement for a more challenging variation;
- Consider incorporating resistance bands or weights to increase difficulty.
While it is critical to avoiding the common mistakes of the Kneeling Side Plank, it is important to recognize that this exercise can be utilized for various purposes. Depending on your goals, this exercise can be beneficial for increasing core strength, improving posture, and even aiding in injury recovery.
The Kneeling Side Plank has been utilized in various forms of physical therapy for years. Its effectiveness at targeting the core, as well as its versatility in accommodating various levels of strength and balance, has made it a staple in many fitness routines.
Don’t let your knees do all the wobbling in this side plank – make sure your core is doing the work to avoid collapsing like a poorly built tent.
Common mistakes to avoid during kneeling side plank
When it comes to the Kneeling Side Plank, mistakes can easily be made that lessen its effectiveness. Here’s what to watch out for:
- Alignment: Maintain proper alignment to avoid hurting yourself. Incorrect alignment can cause shoulder and back pain.
- Hips: Lift your hips until they’re in a straight line with your knees and shoulders. If they’re too low, you won’t engage your core.
- Core: Make sure to activate your core – not doing so means you won’t get the most out of this exercise.
- Breathing: Concentrate on deeper inhalations and exhalations to activate your deep abdominal muscles.
- Hip Flexors: A tight hip flexor will limit how far up you can lift your hips.
To make the most of this routine, try these tips:
- Keep bottom arm beneath shoulder for perfect alignment.
- Keep top arm’s elbow close to your body.
- Engage both core and pelvic floor muscles.
- Stretch before exercising to loosen tight hip flexors.
- Breathe deeply, inhaling as you prepare and exhaling as you bubble out abdominals.
By focusing on these common mistakes, Kneeling Side Plank can be an effective part of your core strengthening exercises. It will offer muscle activation in multiple planes of movements and increase balance.
Variations of kneeling side plank for different muscles and difficulty levels
Side planks are great for core muscles; however, kneeling side planks can be even better. Here are some variations to target different muscles and increase difficulty.
- Start with the Basic Kneeling Side Plank: Place your right elbow and forearm on the ground and left leg on right knee. Lift hips in a straight line and hold for 30 seconds. Switch sides and repeat.
- Next, Modified Kneeling Side Plank: Left hand flat on ground with fingers facing forward and arm extended; right arm on hips or pointed up for support.
- Extended Leg Kneeling Side Plank: After Modified Plank, extend top leg out parallel to floor or higher than hip-level.
- Knee-to-Elbow Kneeling Side Plank: Hold Extended Plank and bring top knee towards elbow beneath you while feet off ground.
- Weighted/Resistance Band Kneeling Side Plank: Add weights or resistance band around thighs or waist for extra challenge. Wrist weights are an option for advanced strength training routines.
Experiment with all these variations to find the best combination. Always engage all muscle groups and adjust posture to suit level. Track progress over time and listen to body.
Benefits of doing kneeling side plank regularly
Want to add something new to your workout? Try the kneeling side plank! This exercise will bring you improved core strength, increased flexibility, and better balance.
- Core Strength: This exercise tones the muscles in the core, which are key for good posture and avoiding back pain.
- Flexibility: The kneeling side plank stretches out your inner thigh muscles, hip flexors, and glutes, giving you more flexibility.
- Balance: Balancing your bodyweight on one side engages all stabilizing muscles in your core and legs, improving balance.
Plus, strength training is linked to better bone density, reduced inflammation, and improved heart health. So why not add the kneeling side plank to your routine? You’ll experience amazing benefits!