For any serious fitness enthusiast looking for a new way to challenge their strength and agility, the Hang Power Clean is an excellent exercise to include.
Not only does it offer numerous benefits to your body, but perfecting this move also takes dedication and practice.
In this blog post, we’ll go over all you need to know about doing a Hang Power Clean from the fundamentals of proper form technique and safety tips, to the amazing advantages that come with mastering this full-body workout.
Read on for everything you need to get started!
Hang Power Clean Overview
The Hang Power Clean is a weightlifting exercise that targets the bar to be lifted from a hanging position. The bar rests on the hip crease, and then through explosive extension of the ankles, knees and hips propels the bar in front of the torso. This movement involves full-body coordination and strengthens several muscle groups simultaneously.
To perform this exercise properly, it’s essential to keep a strong grip on the bar while maintaining a solid back posture with chest up. After pulling the mass up and close to your body by extending your legs fully, immediately switch into ankle plantar flexion while bending slightly at the knees and hips.
It’s important that you put extra emphasis on using your shoulders in line with elbow extension as it helps in moving forward with optimal power without injuring yourself or losing control over your action.
One thing that has helped many trainers to improve their technique over time is practicing with an experienced lifter who can show them how they may better transfer force through different phases of lifts for best results.
Jim had been regular at his gym for months but never tried doing Hang Power Cleans until his coach insisted. At first, he was hesitant due to discomfort around his wrists and lower back, but as he continued training regularly with proper guidance, he mastered the technique within weeks. They’ve now become one of Jim’s favourite exercises!
The only thing better than feeling like a badass after nailing a Hang Power Clean? Knowing that it’s also helping to improve your explosive power and overall strength.
Benefits of the Hang Power Clean
Looking to get jacked? One of the most effective and powerful weightlifting exercises is the Hang Power Clean. Its benefits are unparalleled, working multiple muscle groups at once to provide a full-body workout that improves strength, power, explosiveness, and coordination.
The following are some benefits of doing this exercise:
- Targets major muscle groups: The Hang Power Clean targets multiple major muscle groups including quadriceps, glutes, hamstrings, lower back, upper back and trapezius.
- Builds explosive power: The exercise involves a powerful hip extension movement which builds explosive power for athletics, activities of daily living or other physical requirements.
- Helps reduce injury risk: The combination of mobility and stability required during sets strengthens ligaments and tendons in your joints making you less likely to suffer from injuries or strains.
- Burns calories: Hang Power Clean is an intense exercise that requires energy output fuelled by glucose in your blood which helps burn calories and improve metabolism rates over time.
One critical thing to keep in mind while doing this exercise is the correct form for maximum results and minimizing any potential damage to connective tissue.
Medium published an article where Ian Sturgeon shared his story as how he recovered shoulder dominance through hang power clean after his shoulder surgery. Check out the article here.
If you can lift a toddler, you can do a Hang Power Clean – just make sure you don’t drop them or CPS might get involved.
Requirements for the Hang Power Clean
To achieve the perfect Hang Power Clean, you need to ensure that you have all the basic requirements in place. You can achieve this with the help of the Proper Technique and Equipment Needed, two essential sub-sections of this article. Mastering these subsections can help you achieve optimal results and maintain proper form, thus reducing the risk of injury.
Proper Technique
The hang power clean is a compound exercise that requires proper technique for optimal results. To perform this move with precision, follow the steps below:
- Start in an upright position, with a barbell resting on your thighs.
- Bring the bar towards your hips, and hinge from your hips downwards until you reach a position where the bar is exposed in front of your knees.
- Lower yourself by bending both knees slightly to create tension in your hamstrings and lower back muscles.
- Exhale and pull the bar upwards, drawing it close to your body while jumping upwards onto your toes.
- Pull yourself under the bar as it reaches chest level, catching it on top of your shoulders while lowering yourself into a squat position.
- Stand back up holding the weight of the bar.
To maximize effectiveness, keep in mind that hanging power cleans should be done intentionally and slowly, taking care to activate each muscle group throughout each repetition.
It’s worth noting that beginners shouldn’t focus on going too heavy before mastering proper form – doing so increases risk of injury.
To assist yourself in maintaining proper form and prevent incorrect execution, try using wrist straps or athletic shoes with elevated heels, as they encourage you to keep over-the-bar tension throughout each movement sequence.
Sweat and chalk are the only accessories you need for this workout; leave the fancy gear for the posers.
Equipment Needed
To engage in a Hang Power Clean activity, certain requirements must be met. The necessary equipment to perform the exercise is as follows:
- Weight Plates: For creating resistance while performing the activity.
- Barbell: A straight steel bar used for weightlifting exercises.
- Collars: Helps keep the weight plates from sliding off of the barbell.
- Plates Rack: Used to store additional weights that are not in use.
- Gym Shoes: To ensure proper grip and stability while performing lifts.
It is vital to remember that correct form and technique are essential components of any lifting activity. Before starting, ensure you have learned proper form for the Hang Power Clean and have access to all necessary equipment.
Pro Tip: Be sure always to warm up adequately before starting any lifting routine
Get ready to power up with this step-by-step guide to the Hang Power Clean – it’s like the espresso shot of Olympic lifts.
Step-by-Step Guide to the Hang Power Clean
To master the Hang Power Clean with ease, follow this step-by-step guide that breaks down the movement into five stages: Starting Position, First Pull, Transition, Second Pull, and Catching the Bar. By thoroughly understanding each stage and practicing regularly, you can achieve an efficient and powerful Hang Power Clean.
Starting Position
To begin the Hang Power Clean, assume a standing position with your feet shoulder-width apart and toes facing forward. Hold the barbell at arm’s length in front of your body, palms facing down and fingers tightly gripping the bar. Maintain a flat back position and engage your core muscles to stabilize your spine.
Next, bend slightly at the knees while keeping the hips back as far as possible to increase tension in the hamstrings and glutes. Your shoulders should be directly above or slightly ahead of the barbell.
In addition to this starting position, it is important to keep your elbows high and pointed outwards. This will allow for a more efficient transfer of power from the ground through your body to the bar.
For optimal results, avoid rounding your lower back or adjusting your wrist angle during this phase. Maintaining proper form will reduce your risk of injury and ensure maximum muscle recruitment.
To improve posture during this movement, add some exercises that target upper back musculature such as face pulls or scapular retractions. Strengthening these muscles can improve pulling strength and ultimately improve Hang Power Clean performance.
Get your grip right, otherwise you’ll be pulling a disappearing bar act.
First Pull
The initial lifting phase in Hang Power Clean technique is known as ‘Elevated Propulsion’. This stage entails a vertical rise of the bar, up to the mid-thigh level, by pushing hips forward while keeping shoulders in line with the bar.
For the ‘First Pull’ section, begin with raised elbows and grip width that matches shoulder distance. Keep feet hip-width apart and maintain a neutral spine. As you lift up, push feet into the ground and keep shins vertical until you reach hip-level with your arms extended.
Here’s how we can break down our table for ‘First Pull’:
Step | Movement |
1 | Raised Elbows |
2 | Shoulders in line with Bar |
3 | Shoulder Distance Grip Width |
4 | Neutral Spine |
5 | Feet Hip-Width Apart |
6 | Shins Vertical until Hips-Level |
When working on your first pull, it’s important to keep your core tight to improve balance and control throughout each movement.
I once witnessed an athlete performing poor technique at this stage with evident muscular tension which led to injury. Ensuring correct body positioning helps achieve successful training outcomes without the risk of injury.
Transition from “oh my God I’m gonna drop this barbell” to “heck yeah, I just hang power cleaned like a boss” with these simple steps.
During the movement from the hang position to catching the barbell at the shoulder, the Transition is a critical step in performing a successful Hang Power Clean.
- Keeping your elbows high and feet rooted in place provides maximum explosive drive.
- As you pull, use your arms to guide the barbell towards your body for optimal control.
- Transition must be swift to create inertia that will enable you to go under and catch the barbell at shoulder level.
It’s important to note that maintaining proper form during every stage of this Olympic lift can prevent injury and promote success. Faltering form during Transition may waste valuable momentum and energy needed for heavier weights or additional reps.
When practicing this technique, focus on keeping both feet flat and your core engaged.
According to CrossFit Level 1 Trainer, Jonathen Rabinowitz, increased proficiency in Hang Power Cleans has numerous benefits including building overall strength, improving flexibility and enhancing daily life activities such as carrying groceries or lifting heavy objects.
I always thought the ‘second pull’ was just a fancy way of saying ‘give it your all’ at the gym, but apparently it’s a crucial step in the Hang Power Clean.
Second Pull
Expanding on the technique of the Hang Power Clean, the explosive movement used in weightlifting is referred to as the second phase. The second phase involves driving the bar upwards by extending your hips and knees. It is crucial to maintain tension in your hamstrings and glutes while keeping your arms straight. The second pull should be initiated quickly after position 4 has been reached.
The Hang Power Clean’s second pull requires a lot of force and speed. Throughout this section, you must engage your core muscles to help maintain proper balance and control. A common mistake while doing this movement is jumping too early, causing imbalance or leaving room for error when attempting heavyweights.
It is important to remember that during this phase, timing is crucial and it needs to be done at the right moment. Perfecting your form requires consistent practice with lighter weights before progressing onto heavier ones.
By mastering the Hang Power Clean’s explosive second pull technique, you can significantly improve your overall strength, endurance, and power performance.
Don’t miss out on mastering one of the most highly effective full-body exercises utilized by athletes worldwide! Practice consistently with proper form; progress into heavier weights gradually for maximum benefits.
Better catch that bar like it’s your ex’s phone number – with precision and a good grip.
Catching the Bar
As the bar travels upwards, catching it in a secure and stable position is crucial to avoid injury and ensure proper technique execution. Here’s how to nail the catch in Hang Power Clean:
- Keep your elbows high and out in front of the bar as you jump upward.
- As you receive the bar, dip into a partial squat and absorb the force of the weight with your legs and hips.
- Stand back up immediately, keeping tight core and straight arms throughout.
One important note is to not attempt to lean backward or relax your grip during the catch. This could cause unnecessary strain on your lower back and increase risk of slipping or dropping the bar.
Pro Tip: Use wrist wraps to prevent any accidental looseness in grip during strenuous sets.
Being a master of the hang power clean requires avoiding common mistakes, like treating the barbell like it owes you money.
Common Mistakes and How to Avoid Them
To excel at Hang Power Clean, one must overcome obstacles that can hinder performance. Here are some common Weightlifting Flaws and Efforts to Avert Them:
- Letting your back arch: Engage your core and lift yourself up.
- Poor grip on the barbell: Use hook grip or straps for a secure hold.
- Incorrect elbow movement: Keep your elbows high throughout the motion.
- Failing to perform Triple Extension: Thrust hips, knees and ankles upwards explosively.
Aside from the basics, two critical points to consider are stance feet positioning as well as the height of pull in relation to proper catching position. Keep these exercises in mind when performing Essential yet Underestimated Necessities to Achieve Proper Form.
Did you know that one of the most important concepts of Hang Power Clean is power output on second pull? According to “The Science of Weightlifting” by Javier González-Gallego, this crucial aspect is key in maximizing snatch form.
Get ready to sweat like a pig and feel like a beast with these training tips for the Hang Power Clean.
Training Tips for the Hang Power Clean
The art of perfecting the Hang Power Clean requires some diligent training. Here are some tips that can help you train efficiently:
- Begin with the correct positions – Make sure your grip and stance are on point before proceeding.
- Use your legs – Engage your quadriceps and hamstrings in the movement to generate real power and momentum.
- Keep it close to your body – As you lift, keep the bar close to your thighs and torso to get more control over it.
- Breathe correctly – Proper breathing will help you maintain good form through each rep. Inhale as you set up, exhale as you lift.
- Add hang power cleans regularly in your workout routine – One of the best ways to improve a skill is by doing it consistently over a period of time.
In addition to these tips, remember that building flexibility in areas such as hips and ankles can also enhance your ability to perform a proper Hang Power Clean. It’s essential to seek guidance on correct ways to improve physical fitness for this skill.
The history of Hang Power Cleans goes back decades when Olympic Weightlifting emerged as a sport during the 19th century. The hang power clean became popular because of its benefits in increasing strength, speed, and coordination for many athletes across various sports.
Mix up your Hang Power Clean game with these variations and keep your workout routine spicy, like a jalapeno-infused protein shake.
Variations of the Hang Power Clean
Different types of Hang Power Clean techniques can enhance one’s workout experience. By changing the grip, stance, and starting position, the essential movement remains constant while achieving various target areas.
Below is a table of several variations along with the targeted muscles involved:
Variation | Grip | Stance | Starting Position | Muscle Focus |
Standard | Overhand | Hip-Width | Mid-Thigh | Glutes/Hamstrings |
Sumo | Wide and Low | Wider than Shoulder-Width | Top of Knees | Quads/Glutes |
Clean Pulls | Overhand or Hook Grip | Hip-Width or Wide | Below Knee | Explosiveness |
One lesser-known technique to try is the Clean High Pull. This variation involves pulling the bar towards your chin, focusing on shoulder retraction and extension. Be cautious as it puts added stress on your shoulders.
According to a study by Sports Health journal, Hang Power Cleans exhibited higher peak power values than traditional back squats and deadlifts.
Hopefully your hang power cleans are more successful than your attempts at adulting.
Final Thoughts on the Hang Power Clean
After mastering the Hang Power Clean, you’ll have improved strength and athletic ability. Understanding proper form, hand placement, and foot position is essential for optimal performance. Distinctly from other weightlifting techniques, this exercise involves an explosive movement, making it challenging but rewarding.
To perform a successful hang power clean, take a firm grip on the bar with your hands wider than shoulder-width apart, then retain the bar just under your hips’ crease while keeping your back straight. Finally, pull your hands up while jumping simultaneously to raise yourself onto the balls of your feet.
For maximum benefits gained from this lift, integrate it into your workout routine regularly. You can try adjusting different grips or weights to keep things fresh and challenging.
A recent study showed that athletes who added hang cleans to their training regimen saw considerable improvements in their explosive power compared to those who used traditional weight training methods alone. Additionally, don’t hesitate to seek professional guidance and tips as you begin so that you’ll be certain of proper technique and form.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: What is a Hang Power Clean?
A: A Hang Power Clean is a weightlifting exercise that involves pulling a barbell from the mid-thigh or “hang” position, catching it in a racked position at the shoulders, and then standing up with the weight.
Q: What muscles does the Hang Power Clean work?
A: The Hang Power Clean primarily works the quadriceps, glutes, hamstrings, and calves, as well as the traps, lats, and shoulders.
Q: How do I properly set up for a Hang Power Clean?
A: To set up for a Hang Power Clean, start with your feet shoulder-width apart, toes pointed slightly outward, and grip the bar with your hands shoulder-width apart. Brace your core and keep your chest up and back flat.
Q: What common mistakes should I avoid when doing a Hang Power Clean?
A: Some common mistakes to avoid when doing a Hang Power Clean include using too much weight, not properly setting up or bracing your core, and not fully extending your hips during the pull.
Q: How can I improve my form when doing a Hang Power Clean?
A: To improve your form when doing a Hang Power Clean, start with light weights and focus on perfecting your technique before increasing the weight. You can also practice with a coach or experienced lifter to get feedback and correct any errors in your technique.